Blood Pressure


We all know that exercise is important, but what sort of exercise should we be doing to maintain our general health and fitness, and to avoid problems like back pain, and threats like diabetes?All sources agree that some form of regular exercise is important, and this should include short spells of vigorous exercise to get […]

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Salt is a widely occurring mineral, and a natural part of our diet. However, many people nowadays consume far too much of it, and this leads to a range of risks for older people. The British Heart Foundation says that “Eating too much salt may raise your blood pressure, and having high blood pressure increases

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All the evidence so far in 2020 and 2021, about the spread of coronavirus (“Covid-19”), is that older people with existing medical conditions are the most vulnerable to suffering and dying from this virus.That makes it all the more important to take what steps you can, to do something to lessen these conditions, and also

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Kidney Disease

According to the National Health Service, chronic kidney disease is usually caused by other conditions that put a strain on the kidneys. Often it’s the result of a combination of different problems.• high blood pressure• diabetes• high cholesterol• kidney infections• kidney inflammation• polycystic kidney disease• blockages in the flow of urine• long-term, regular use of

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Blood Pressure

According to the National Health Service:High blood pressure is a warning signal of many threats to your health, including heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, kidney disease, and vascular dementia.If you have high blood pressure, reducing it even a small amount can help lower your risk of these health conditions.Around a third of adults in the

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Heart Disease

For many of us, heart disease is perhaps the number one threat in terms of healthy longevity. And the bad news is that often the first attack is fatal. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says: Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, causing about 1 in

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