
Benefits of Alcohol on Cognition

A study published in June 2020 in the Journal of the American Medical Association, produced what to many may be a startling conclusion.That low to moderate alcohol consumption can actually be beneficial.This is quite a separate issue from the widely accepted benefits of red wine, as it relates to alcohol itself, in whatever form consumed. […]

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Most of us know of a friend or relative that’s been affected by dementia, with the saddest cases being where the person no longer even recognises close family members. That’s why many people fear dementia more than cancer or other diseases. The National Health Service says that early symptoms to watch out for include: “memory

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Brain Training

We keep seeing advice that it’s important to keep our brains active, especially to delay the onset of dementia, or at least of its effects. But is this true? And if so, what should we do about it? Will a daily crossword or Sudoku be enough? The Alzheimer’s Society says that: “Keeping your mind active

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Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer’s Disease

There are various forms of dementia. However, the most common type of dementia is that caused by a specific disease called Alzheimer’s Disease, or AD. Those who start to lose cognitive abilities (which your doctor can arrange to be tested) will generally be given a scan of the brain to determine the cause. The scan

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How Not to Die

How Not to Die

In “How Not To Die”, Dr Michael Greger addresses a whole range of diseases, including cancer, dementia, heart disease and strokes, gathering a mass of published evidence from medical trials. His conclusion is that it is possible to reduce the chances of getting these diseases, primarily by a change in diet. He says: “Most deaths

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