PSA stands for Prostate Specific Antigen and it’s a compound created by the prostate and naturally occurring in the male.However, If the prostate is infected or diseased, it can generate larger than normal quantities of PSA. For example, while the usual level in a particular man might be 4, a urinary infection can make it […]

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Salt is a widely occurring mineral, and a natural part of our diet. However, many people nowadays consume far too much of it, and this leads to a range of risks for older people. The British Heart Foundation says that “Eating too much salt may raise your blood pressure, and having high blood pressure increases

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Everything about soya indicates that it’s one of nature’s superfoods. A Harvard University article “Straight Talk About Soy” sums up that most studies have shown soy to be beneficial, although there are some studies that raise questions about possible negative aspects. “Part of the uncertainty is due to the intricacy of soy’s effects on the

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We all know that eggs are packed with protein and other good things, but what about the not-so-good things? Are we in fact better off by not eating eggs, and getting our nutrients elsewhere? The Good Things about Eggs is typical of advice on the benefits of eating eggs: • They offer “complete protein”.

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All the evidence so far in 2020 and 2021, about the spread of coronavirus (“Covid-19”), is that older people with existing medical conditions are the most vulnerable to suffering and dying from this virus.That makes it all the more important to take what steps you can, to do something to lessen these conditions, and also

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Nicotinamide Riboside


There’s a chemical in every cell of our body, that’s vital for processes within the cell and for cell-to-cell communication. It’s called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (abbreviated as NAD or NAD+). The problem for older people is that as we age, the levels of this important chemical decline. A study reported in “Antioxidants & Redox Signaling”,

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For about £150 (or more) you can have your DNA analysed, and get a range of comment about what diseases and conditions you might be more susceptible to, compared with the average person. But what can you usefully do with the information, and is it worth bothering? The Tests The most widely publicised tests are

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The primary preventable disease of the lung is Lung Cancer.Influenza and Pneumonia also cause a significant proportion of deaths in older people. But aside from these causes of death, Chronic Obstructed Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is also a killer. It’s usually diagnosed as two conditions that cause breathing difficulties: Emphysema (damaged lungs), and Chronic Bronchitis (inflammation

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Back and Neck Problems

While not life-threatening directly, problems with your back or your neck can be debilitating, and have a severe impact on your quality of life. It’s not possible to prevent problems arising from accidents or even problems simply caused by a sudden movement or twist. But if we look at what we can do in terms

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Positive Attitude

Back in 1953, Norman Vincent Peale published his best-selling book “The Power of Positive Thinking”. In it, among other benefits of following his advice:“You can attain a degree of health not hitherto known by you.”But is there real evidence that positive thinking can prevent disease and ailments? The Evidence In the book “Doctor You”, Oxford

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